Ms. kaydie and I have a negotiated a contract to outline our D/s relationship. It started out as just a few rules and protocols to get started in a very clear way. No confusion or grey areas. We feel we require the certainty of structure and specific behaviors as a foundation to our 24/7 power exchange relationship. There is ritual in these protocol that have real meaning for us. Designed for us, by us. This is the second iteration but we attach to it a "Go-No Go List" that is in it's 7th iteration. It includes hard limits, soft limits and things she really wants.There is no guess work in our relationship. It makes it easy to conduct 24/7. We both know what is expected of us and because we both signed our names to it, we take it very seriously. It has teeth now. It's real and we feel compelled to live up to it. It doesn't contain all of my Protocol and Etiquette, but much of it is there. It's a living document as is the "Go-No Go List". We review them both and change them as we see fit.A few of you have asked to see a copy of it so I've decided to post for you to give you a glimpse into our lives and what works for us. I hope it is useful to you if not inspiring. We open ourselves up to you because we care about you, our community and we want to participate and contribute to it.Reverend Dan & ms. kaydie
This document serves as a Dominance/submission (D/s) contract. Its purpose is to describe the basic rules of the D/s relationship between the Dominant (Sir) and the submissive (sub).
This is a 24/7 D/s relationship that encompasses both ‘straight’ time (e.g., time with children) and ‘non-straight’ time (e.g., collared, leashed, flogged, etc.).
These rules apply at all times to differing degrees dependent upon the situation.
Either party may terminate this agreement at any time and for any reason.
This document is not a legal or binding contract.
Adherence by Sir and the sub to the most current version of the hard and soft limits (e.g., Go-No Go list) of either party shall be maintained.
This contract may be renegotiated only during ‘straight’ time.
The specifics, nature, and continuation of the D/s relationship and this contract are up for review October 17, 2015.
1) Additional rules shall be discussed and verbally agreed upon by Sir and the sub.
2) If there is something particular the sub wants or a direction she wishes the scene to go, it is to be negotiated prior to beginning of that scene.
3) Scenes will begin with the sub in full presentation, eyes downcast, until released from that position by Sir, usually signaled by His lifting of the subs chin, unless otherwise dictated by Sir.
4) The sub will refer to Sir as ‘Sir’ or ‘Master’ when appropriate.
5) When the sub presents herself to Sir, she will remain dressed until Sir undress her, unless instructed otherwise.
6) The sub will look Sir in the eyes when she speaks to Him, whenever possible, unless instructed otherwise.
7) The sub will always reply to Sir with "My Pleasure" instead of "You're Welcome", when applicable.
8) When the sub receives something she wanted from Sir, she is to reply with "Thank you, Sir." This applies to behavioral corrections from Sir, as well.
9) The sub will wear panties during any flogging or spanking session, unless otherwise directed.
10) The sub will do as instructed by Sir without question or hesitation.
11) The sub will not tell Sir “No”. The acceptable protocol to decline a request is to discreetly and gracefully explain that she is unable to comply with Sir’s request at that time. Or by using her safe word should the situation require it. There must be a compelling reason for declining requests.
12) The sub is to observe casual protocols and etiquette in public, private, or private BDSM gatherings, clubs, or parties. High protocol is reserved for specified, private BDSM gatherings, or at the desire of Sir.
13) When out in public, the sub will walk a half step behind Sir, on His left side. Sir will turn towards the sub to be sure she can hear Him. The sub is in correct position as long as the distance is slightly behind Sir. Sir may occasionally direct the sub by the hand, arm, or back of the neck, when He sees fit. The sub is to generally go where He guides her.
14) If there is anything the sub wants, needs, or desires, she must ask for it politely from Sir. Unless instructed not to speak, the sub may speak to Sir or ask anything of Him.
15) Appropriate corrective action, not punishment, will be taken for failing to follow the above rules, protocol, and etiquette.
16) The subs safe word to stop play is ‘Cease’.
17) The subs safe word to slow play down or change actions is ‘Yellow’.
18) Detailed feedback is required from the sub after the end of a scene and, at any time, upon the request of Sir. This is in order for both Sir and the sub to learn, grow, and get the most out of the D/s relationship.
19) This is a polyamorous relationship; however, should Sir desire to take another submissive, the candidate shall be agreed upon by Sir and the primary sub beforehand.
20) Sir is responsible for the safety, security, health, and well-being of the sub at all times.
21) The subs purpose in life is to please and serve Sir and must be prepared to do so, in whichever manner Sir desires, at all times.